Horde + imp

Site Admin
文章: 3244
註冊時間: 2004-04-15 17:20:21
來自: CodeCharge Support Engineer

Horde + imp

文章 yehlu »


urpmi php-pear
wget http://ftp.horde.org/pub/horde/horde-3.0.4.tar.gz
wget http://ftp.horde.org/pub/imp/imp-h3-4.0.3.tar.gz
cd /var/www/html/
tar -zxvf /home/yehlu/horde-3.0.4.tar.gz
mv horde-3.0.4 horde
cd horde
tar -zxvf /home/yehlu/imp-h3-4.0.3.tar.gz
mv imp-h3-4.0.3/ imp
cd config/
for f in *.dist; do cp $f `basename $f .dist`; done


urpmi php-domxml
pear upgrade DB
pear install Date
pear install Auth_Sasl
pear install Net_URL
pear install Net_Socket
pear install HTTP_Request
pear install File
pear install Services_Weather
urpmi php-mime_magic
urpmi php-mcal
urpmi php-mcrypt
urpmi php-domxml
cd imp
for f in *.dist; do cp $f `basename $f .dist`; done


cd ..
chown apache:apache config -fR
cd ..
chown apache:apache config -fR

mysql < /var/www/html/horde/scripts/sql/create.mysql.sql

vi horde/imp/config/servers.php


// Any entries whose key value ('foo' in $servers['foo']) begin with
// '_' (an underscore character) will be treated as prompts, and you
// won't be able to log in to them. The only property these entries
// need is 'name'. This lets you put labels in the list, like this
// example:
$servers['_prompt'] = array(
'name' => _('pop3') <==要使用那些方式去收發Webmail,剩下的就在下面設定就可以了

$servers['imap'] = array(
'name' => 'IMAP Server',
'server' => 'example.com',
'protocol' => 'imap/notls',
'port' => 143,
'folders' => 'mail/',
'namespace' => '',
'maildomain' => 'example.com',
'smtphost' => 'example.com',
'realm' => 'example.com',
'preferred' => ''
<==將你的信件設定替換調 example.com
