Windows Installer Error 1327

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註冊時間: 2004-04-15 14:30:34

Windows Installer Error 1327

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from ... id=q107033

Document ID: Q107033
Last Revised On: Wednesday, November 17, 2004

This article applies to the following:
InstallShield AdminStudio 3.x, 3.5x, 5.x, 5.5x, 6.x
InstallShield Developer 7.x, 8.x
InstallShield DevStudio 9.x
InstallShield Express 10.x
InstallShield Premier 10.x, 10.5x
InstallShield Professional 10.x, 10.5x
InstallShield X Lite 10.x

Project Type: Windows Installer

Having trouble installing software on your home computer? Instructions for fixing error 1327 can be found at InstallShield's Consumer Central. The information contained in this article is for installation developers.

Error 1327 is a Windows Installer error that is displayed in the following format:

Error: 1327 Invalid Drive: drive:\
This error can be encountered only at run time.


The MSI standard action, CostFinalize, cannot resolve a drive letter specified in a Directory table entry of the MSI package. Following are possible causes:

Invalid Drive Letter (Destination): An invalid drive letter has been hard coded into the Destination field of a feature or component.

Invalid Drive Letter (INSTALLDIR): An invalid drive letter has been hard coded into the value of INSTALLDIR under the Product Properties section in the General Information view.

Invalid Drive Letter (Property and Directory tables): A property listed in both the Property table and Directory table has been assigned an invalid drive letter in the Property Manager.

Changed Registry Values: The Windows Installer has defined some of its own properties, such as the MyPicturesFolder property. At run time, the Window Installer resolves this property to the location of the My Pictures folder for the current user. The registry values used to resolve these predefined properties are located under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders. One of these values may have been changed to a network drive letter or nonexisting drive letter.

Unavailable Network Connection: A network drive is referenced in the MSI package and the network connection for that drive is not available at installation time.


Invalid Drive Letter (Destination)

Select the Setup Design view.

Verify that the Destination field for each component or feature is valid.

If any destinations are not valid, change this value to a valid drive letter.

Rebuild the release after making any modifications.
Invalid Drive Letter (INSTALLDIR)

Select the Product Properties section in the General Information view (under Organize Your Setup).

Verify that the path specified in the INSTALLDIR field is valid.

If the path is invalid, change this value to a valid drive letter.

Rebuild the release after making any modifications.
Invalid Drive Letter (Property and Directory tables)

Select the Property Manager. As an alternative you can go to the Property table via the Direct Editor.

Find the property with the hard-coded drive letter displayed in the error message. You can sort the value column of the Property Manager by clicking the Value tab. This reveals the drive letter. You can also search for the drive letter in the Property Table via the Direct Editor by right-clicking the Property table and selecting Find.

When you find the property containing the drive letter, delete the property or assign a valid drive letter to the property.

Rebuild the release after making any modifications.
Changed Registry Values

Verify that the values under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders use valid drive letters.

If there are invalid drive letters, change them to point to valid drives.

Rebuild the release after making any modifications.
Unavailable Network Connection

Verify that a network connection to the drives being accessed by the MSI package are available at run time.


Error 1327 is documented in the Windows Installer Help Library topic Windows Installer Error Messages.

The MyPicturesFolder property is documented in the Windows Installer Help Library in the MyPicturesFolder Property topic.

The CostFinalize standard action is documented in the Windows Installer Help Library topic CostFinalize Action.

Additional articles on Error 1327 can also be found on Microsoft's Knowledge Base:
217666 You receive an "Error 1327. Invalid Drive: C:\" error message when you install Office 2000

327763You receive an "Error 1327. Invalid Drive" error message when you try to install Office 2000

262318 Works Suite Error Message: Error 1327 Invalid Drive H:\

292802 Visio2000: "1327 Invalid Drive" Error Message When You Attempt to Upgrade to Visio 2000

290356You receive an "Error 1327. Invalid Drive: C:\. Installation ended prematurely" error message when you install Office XP System Files Update
