WatchGuard FireBox 1000 重設

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來自: CodeCharge Support Engineer

WatchGuard FireBox 1000 重設

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1.開機時壓住RESET 使系統開在 sysB 的模式
2.預設的IP為 預設密碼 wg
3.使用 Poilcy Manager 下載新的設定檔至 FireBox
File -> Save -> To Firebox

Method 3: Using the Reset Button
Before you start, assign the IP address of your management station
to be on the network. Do not use the address, which is being held by the Firebox as a
default. The subnet is
It is recommended that you give your computer’s default gateway
an IP address of
1 Disconnect the Firebox from the network.
Start with the Firebox turned off. Hold down the Reset
button on the back of the Firebox (for Firebox III) or the Up
arrow (for Firebox X) and turn on the Firebox power switch.
On a Firebox X, you can release the Up arrow when the LCD
display shows “Booting SysB.”
On a Firebox III, do not let go of the Reset button until you
see this light sequence:
External light on Triangle: Blinks
Trusted => Optional traffic (Activity): Flashing lights
Sys B: Flickering
Armed: Steady
2 Connect a crossover cable to the management station and
into the Firebox trusted interface (labeled “1” on the
Firebox X).
3 Open a DOS prompt, and ping the Firebox with You should get a reply.
4 In Policy Manager, select File => Open => Configuration
File. Select the configuration file you want to load onto the
Firebox and load it into Policy Manager.
5 In Policy Manager, select File => Save => To Firebox. When
you are asked for the IP address of the Firebox, use with wg as the passphrase.
6 When the Firebox Flash Disk dialog box appears, click the
button marked Save Configuration File and New Flash
7 After the file has been restored on the Firebox, you will have
to reassign the IP address of your management station such
that it is on the same network as the trusted interface from
Method 3: Using the Reset Button
User Guide 355
configuration file that you just used. This will enable you to
reconnect to the Firebox.
After the configuration has been uploaded and the Firebox has
been rebooted, the Firebox X LCD panel displays this:
Firebox X<model number>
SysA - Armed
On a Firebox III, the light sequence should look like this:
Armed light: steady
Sys A light: steady
