CodeCharge Studio was updated to version at ... oduct_id=1
This version resolves various technical issues, including the following:
* Resolved issues with renaming pages to blank/empty name
* Resolved an issue with generating incorrect client events when a component was placed within a Panel
* Improved product stability by resolving various crashes on launch, deleting pages, opening certain pages, using CVS, changing profiles, etc.
* Improved stability of the FrontPage Add-In (one related issue is still being investigated)
* Resolved crashes related to the autocomplete feature when editing ASP or PHP code (related Java and .NET issues weren't reproduced yet)
* Fixed certain memory leaks
* Applied correct encoding to the translation file de.txt
* Styles: now showing correct colors in Preview mode when using custom color schema
* Styles: resolved an issue with custom buttons not being generated for non-English languages
* Styles: resolved an issue with publishing incorrect files when using VSS or CVS
* Resolved various issues related to synchronizing and switching between the Design and HTML views.
* Resolved issues related to installing Microsoft Windows update KB912945
* Shortened names of forms based on many joined tables
* Resolved an issue with the Application Builder inserting <body> tag instead of <head>
* Resolved an issue with enabling print mode in the Report Builder
* Improved stability of the Visual Query Builder
* Re-created correct database scripts for example applications
* Resolved a bug in the Cache Manager component (ASP)
* Resolved a bug in the ToSQL function when using date parameters (PHP)
* Fixed default publishing options for publishing profiles (FTP was configured differently than Local publishing)
The installation program will take you through necessary upgrade steps, including uninstalling a previous CCS3 version.
We recommend backing up your projects before upgrading.
NOTE: This product version does not work on Windows 98. Win98 compatible version will be provided separately.
CodeCharge Studio Update Patch Release: Version
CodeCharge Studio Update Patch Release: Version
最後由 yehlu 於 2006-05-26 14:57:02 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。
CodeCharge Studio 中文介面新patch
說明: 適用於 CodeCharge Studio 版本的中文介面, 請將自解檔放到CodeChargeStudio3目錄下解開並取代即可 ... onents.exe ... onents.exe