CodeCharge Studio 4.3 released

CodeCharge Studio 2.x, 3.x, 4.x, 5.x
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文章: 3244
註冊時間: 2004-04-15 17:20:21
來自: CodeCharge Support Engineer

CodeCharge Studio 4.3 released

文章 yehlu »

CodeCharge Studio was updated to version 4.3 with the following improvements and fixes:

* Resolved compatibility issues with Windows 7
* Enhanced Internet Explorer 8 compatibility:
o Resolved visual issues with pages
o Fixed tables not being visible in design mode
o Improved Captcha compatibility with IE8
* Updated JavaScript code for the Input Mask feature
* Added decimal separator option to Flash Charts
* Fixed couple issues with Source Control integration:
o Fixed wrong page check-in/check-out status
o Errors when publishing pages under source control
* Updated JavaScript Prototype framework to version 1.6.1
* Fixed a problem with <style needdelete...> included into HTML.
* Bug fix for the error message "Error:pCXCConverter->backTransformationWithDOM failed"
* Bug fix for "object required error" in Gallery Builder
* Improved project conversion from CCS 3.x (missing form ids)
* PHP: Resolved issues with advanced search not working within includable pages
* PHP: Replaced split() function deprecated in PHP 5.3
* Java: Changed package name com/codecharge/feature to com/codecharge/Features
* Java: Added an option to limit log file size
* ASP: Resolved a bug with JSON encoding
* ASP: Fixed wrong font path for Captcha
* ASP.NET: Fixed problem with menus not working when applying designs from Artisteer
* Ajax: Improved dependent list-boxes to select default values based on URL
* Other issues found during internal product testing and submitted to product support.

The CodeCharge Studio can be obtained from the main product download page or directly here CCStudio4_3.exe.
The installation program will take you through the necessary upgrade steps, including uninstalling a previous version of CodeCharge Studio 4.x.
NOTE: You may need to re-enter your product serial number after installing CodeCharge Studio 4.3.

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