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CodeCharge Studio 4.3 updated to version

發表於 : 2009-10-20 21:47:15
Due to recently reported issues CodeCharge Studio was updated to version resolving the following problems:

* Added missing Date Picker images
* Fixed additional reoccurrences of the error "Error:pCXCConverter->backTransformationWithDOM failed"
* Fixed Captcha not working properly when hidden with visible=false (PHP)
* Fixed Show/Hide action not working properly in reports (ASP)
* Further improved compatibility with PHP 5.3

The CodeCharge Studio can be obtained from the main product download pagea> or directly here CCStudio4_3.exe.
The installation program will take you through the necessary upgrade steps, including uninstalling a previous version of CodeCharge Studio 4.x.
NOTE: You may need to re-enter your product serial number after installing CodeCharge Studio 4.3.