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CodeCharge Studio released

發表於 : 2010-07-27 09:01:49
CodeCharge Studio was updated to version with the following improvements and fixes:


* Added support for autocomplete within editable grids
* Improved update panel functionality and resolved related issues
* Improved support for dependent listboxes and navigators in update panels
* Resolved issues with RemoteDLookUp feature (ASP)
* Fixed various Ajax related issues and the modal window example

Flash Charts

* Improved HTTPS support
* Fixed a bug with series caption
* Fixed a problem with loading XML when encountering null value in the database


* Resolved issues with the Design<>HTML converter (white blocks in HTML)
* Fixed an issue with updating links when renaming pages (Vista and Win7)
* Improved VSS support
* Fixed a problem with setting wrong charset by the application builder
* Fixed autocomplete crashes in code mode (PHP)
* Fixed wrong image paths in includable pages


* Resolved an issue with dynamic menu based on SQL Server database


* Fixed a bug with ToSQL function


* Resolved an issue with publishing .WAR files (Java)
* Resolved an issue with attribute values not being displayed on pages


* Fixed an issue with hiding report group footer
* Fixed a Javascript error when FCKEditor placed in hidden control
* Improved product stabililty and resolved various issues found during internal product testing and submitted to product support.

The CodeCharge Studio can be obtained here: CCStudio4_3.exe.
The installation program will take you through the necessary upgrade steps, including uninstalling a previous version of CodeCharge Studio 4.x.
NOTE: You may need to re-enter your product serial number after installing CodeCharge Studio 4.3.

October 19, 2009
CodeCharge Studio 4.3 updated to version

Due to recently reported issues CodeCharge Studio was updated to version resolving the following problems:

* Added missing Date Picker images
* Fixed additional reoccurrences of the error "Error:pCXCConverter->backTransformationWithDOM failed"
* Fixed Captcha not working properly when hidden with visible=false (PHP)
* Fixed Show/Hide action not working properly in reports (ASP)
* Further improved compatibility with PHP 5.3

The installation program will take you through the necessary upgrade steps, including uninstalling a previous version of CodeCharge Studio 4.x.
NOTE: You may need to re-enter your product serial number after installing CodeCharge Studio 4.3.