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Mac 用到的port 列表 ( Mac OS X 及 Mac OS X Server 通用)

發表於 : 2010-09-15 23:54:57

Mac 用到的port 列表 ( Mac OS X 及 Mac OS X Server 通用)
以下列表係方便用mac 機0既朋友係firewall / router set nat 用.

TCP port

Used for

7 echo RFC 792
20 FTP data RFC 959
21 FTP control RFC 959
22 secure shell (SSH)Open Directory replica setup
23 Telnet RFC 854
25 SMTP (mail) RFC 821
53 DNS RFC 1034
79 Finger RFC 1288
80 HTTP (web) RFC 2068
88 Kerberos V5 KDC RFC 1510
106 Open Directory Password Server (with 3659)
110 POP3 (mail) RFC 1081
111 Remote Procedure Call (RPC) RFC 1057
113 AUTH RFC 931
115 sftp
119 NNTP (news) RFC 977
123 Network Time Server synchronization (NTP) RFC 1305
137 Windows names
138 Windows browser
139 Windows file and print service (SMB/CIFS) RFC 100
143 IMAP (mail access) RFC 2060
201-208 AppleTalk
311 Server Admin SSL, AppleShare IP remote web administration, Server Monitor, Server Admin (servermgrd), Workgroup Manager (DirectoryService)
389 LDAP (directory) RFC 2251
407 Timbuktu
427 SLP (service location)
445 Microsoft Domain Server
497 Dantz Retrospect
514 shell, syslog
515 LPR (print spooling) RFC 1179
532 netnews
548 AFP (Apple File Service)
554 Real-Time Streaming Protocol (QTSS) RFC 2326
591 FileMaker web access
600–1023 Mac OS X RPC-based services (for example, NetInfo)
625 Remote Directory Access
626 IMAP Administration (Mac OS X mail service and AppleShare IP 6.x mail)
631 IPP (printer sharing)
660 Server Settings, Server Manager
687 AppleShare IP Shared Users and Groups, Server Monitor, Server Admin (servermgrd)
749 Kerberos administration and changepw using the kadmind command-line tool
985 NetInfo static port
993 IMAP over SSL (mail)
995 POP3 over SSL (mail)
1085 WebObjects
1099, 8043 Remote RMI and RMI/IIOP access to JBoss
1220 QTSS Admin
1694 IP Failover
1723 PPTP VPN RFC 2637
2049 NFS
2399 FileMaker data access layer
3004 iSync
3031 Program Linking, remote AppleEvents
3283 Apple Remote Desktop 2.0
3306 MySQL
3632 XCode distributed compiler
3659 Open Directory Password Server (along with 106)
3689 iTunes music sharing
4111 XGrid
5003 FileMaker name binding and transport
5100 Camera and scanner sharing
5190 iChat and iChat file transfer
5222 iChat server
5223 iChat server SSL
5269 iChat server, server to server
5298 iChat, local subnet
5432 Apple Remote Desktop 2.0 database
5900 Apple Remote Desktop 2.0 VNC
7070 Real-Time Streaming Protocol (QTSS)
7777 iChat server, file transfer proxy
8000–8999 Web service
8000-8001 QTSS MP3 streaming
8005 Tomcat remote shutdown
8043, 1099 Remote RMI and RMI/IIOP access to JBoss
8080, 8443, 9006 Tomcat standalone and JBoss
8080 Web service alternative (Apache 2 default)
9007 Remote web server access to AIP port
16080 Web service with performance cache redirect
42000-42999 iTunes radio streams

UDP port

Used for

7 echo
53 DNS
67 DHCP server (BootP), NetBoot server
68 DHCP client
69 Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)
111 Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
123 Network Time Protocol RFC 1305
137 Windows Name Service (WINS)
138 Windows Datagram Service (NETBIOS)
161 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
192 AirPort administration
427 SLP (service location)
497 Retrospect
513 who
514 Syslog
554 Real-Time Streaming Protocol (QTSS)
600–1023 Mac OS X RPC-based services (for example, NetInfo)
626 Serial number support
985 NetInfo (when a shared domain is created using NetInfo Domain Setup)
1701 VPN L2TP
3283 Apple Remote Desktop 1.2
5353 Multicast DNS (mDNSResponder)
2049 Network File System (NFS)
3031 Program Linking
3283 Apple Network Assistant, Apple Remote Desktop
4500 IKE NAT traversal
5060 iChat initiation
5297, 5678 iChat – local
5353 Multicast DNS (mDNSResponder)
6970 -6999 QTSS RTP streaming
7070 Real-Time Streaming Protocol alternative (QTSS)
16384-16403 iChat audio/video RTP and RTCP