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CodeCharge Studio 5.1 Beta now available!

發表於 : 2013-07-04 14:10:42
CodeCharge Studio was updated to version 5.1 with the following changes and fixes:


Supports web standards including HTML5, CSS3
Enhanced performance on large projects
Enhanced Unicode support in Code Editor
Ability to apply Designs to projects, folders and pages.
Resolved number of problems related to IE compatibility mode (fixed Preview option and JavaScript errors in Builders)
Updated number of Builders and Dialogs (Application Builder, Service, Autocomplete, Autofill, DependentListboxes, NumericUpDown, Slider, DialogPanel, Captcha, MasterDetails, Grid&Record, etc.)
New Server Settings database connection dialog for Java patterns
Ability to use Translations as text for Link control
Resolved bug with components IDs in Panels
Resolved absolute paths bug in Image Links
Resolved insert control into Forms bug
Resolved simultaneous editing of multiple translation
Resolved duplication of tag attributes in HTML mode
Data Dictionary:

Improved database structure cashing
Sharing Data Dictionary settings between projects which are using the same database
Improved databases objects support (DB2, Oracle, Sybase, mSQL, R:Base, PosgreSQL) and connection types (OLE DB, ODBC)
Added tf8mb4� charset support (for MySQL)
Fixed schemes filtering (for Oracle and SQL Server)
Increased performance while opening projects with broken database support
Resolved wrong column size value for Memo type fields (for MySQL)
Fixed list of fields in queries which utilize the SQL Expressions
Fixed problems related to special characters use in database connection settings (for MySQL)
Fixed bug related to Review Data option for queries which include SQL parameters
Fixed SQL query for Record forms (for DB2)

Enhanced Unicode support in code generating patterns
Compatibility with PHP 5.4 (for PHP)
Added support for SQLSRV library (for PHP)
Fixed redirect from restricted pages to Login page (for .NET InMotion)
Fixed generation of .aspx file after modifications made in HTML mode (for .NET InMotion)
Added support for latest versions of ColdFusion
Fixed generations on includable pages (for ColdFusion)
Resolved bug related to national characters in file names in File Upload (for ASP)
Fixed problems related to Update and Dialog Panel controls (for Java/JSP)
Multiple minor changes and improvements in different code generating patterns (for .NET InMotion, ASP, Java/JSP, ColdFusion)
Ajax Features are migrated to jQuery:

All Ajax features (including Menu, Update Panel, Client side validation, etc.) are implemented as plugins
Number of improvements in different Ajax Features:
Added different layouts for Autocomplete list (text, text with images, text with descriptions, etc.)
Inline datepicker may be used as timepicker, date plus time picker depending on format of corresponding input field
Slider works with Hidden controls, outputs values in separate Labels, etc.
Increased performance and compatibility
Designs, Styles:

Designs could be applied to entire project, separate folders and pages
Added Responsive Design support in Artisteer Designs
Ability to generate themes for jQuery
The CodeCharge Studio can be obtained from here: CCS_5.1.0.18200.exe.
The installation program will take you through the necessary upgrade steps, including uninstalling a previous version of CodeCharge Studio 5.x.