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Change Download Floder

發表於 : 2013-07-17 10:24:54
http://www.windowstipspage.com/move-dow ... windows-7/

Move Downloads folder to new location in Windows 7
by ADMIN on SEPTEMBER 11, 2011

‘Downloads‘ is the folder where IE or Firefox or Google chrome or any other browser will store the downloaded files from internet. In Windows, Downloads folder is usually located in %userprofile%\Downloads. In Windows 7 this is ‘C:\users\loginname\Downloads‘.

Moving Downloads from the default location would be required for the following reasons.

There’s no further free space available on the system drive.
It’s not advisable to store user data on the system drive. This would ease things if you want to reinstall OS on the system drive.
Let’s see how we can change the Downloads folder location in Windows 7.

Open ‘Downloads‘ folder properties. This can be done by opening the ‘C:\users\loginname‘ folder and by right clicking on the Downloads folder.
Move Downloads folder to new location

Click on the location tab
Click on the Move button
Select the new location for the Downloads folder
Click on ‘Apply‘ button. You will be asked ‘Do you want to move all of the files from the old location to the new location‘. Say yes/no as per your choice.
Click on OK button and close Downloads properties window.
After doing the above steps, the folder you selected as the new location will be automatically shown as ‘Downloads‘ folder location.

Moving back to the default folder

You can change the Downloads folder back to the old location any time. For this do the below steps.

Open the Downloads folder properties. Click on ‘Location‘ tab. Click on the ‘Restore Default’ button. Click on Apply.
Click on yes if it says ‘The Downloads folder doesn’t exist, Would you like to create it?‘
Say yes for moving the files to the default location. Downloads folder location will be changed and files will be copied to the default folder location.