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[SSO]vCenter SSO連接AD驗證

發表於 : 2013-08-31 14:34:43
http://blog.clearpathsg.com/blog/bid/26 ... ity-Source

1. Log in to the vCenter Server Web Client as admin@system-domain (password defined during SSO installation).

2. Click Administration in the left-hand pane.

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3. Under Sign-On and Discovery, click Configuration. On the Identity Sources tab, click the green + icon to add a new Identity Source.

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4. Choose Active Directory as the Identity Source type, then fill in the Identity Source Settings information for your Active Directory domain

a. Name - Name of the identity source, e.g., domain name
b. Primary Server URL - Primary domain controller
c. Secondary Server URL - Secondary domain controller (optional)
d. Base DN for Users - The base domain name for users (optional)
e. Domain Name - The domain’s DNS name, e.g., domain.tld
f. Domain Alias - The domain’s NetBIOS name, e.g. DOMAIN (optional)
g. Base DN for Groups - The base domain name for groups (optional)
h. Authentication Type - Choose Password
i. User Name - A domain user with minimum read-only rights to the base DN for users and groups
j. Password - The password for the above user

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5. Click Test Connection to make sure you have connectivity.

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6. Click OK to add the Identity Source.

7. Select the new Active Directory Identity Source, then click the icon for Add to Default Domains. Click OK on the subsequent warning.

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8. Click the up arrow to move your Active Directory domain to the top, then click the Save button to save the configuration