第 1 頁 (共 1 頁)
發表於 : 2016-02-16 08:53:54
由 yehlu
發表於 : 2016-12-07 19:56:11
由 yehlu
laravel blade beautify
發表於 : 2016-12-16 17:16:08
由 yehlu
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Supported Grammars
grammars: [
Supported extensions
extensions: [
發表於 : 2017-06-10 14:36:41
由 yehlu
發表於 : 2018-12-31 22:42:07
由 yehlu
http://skjhmis.blogspot.com/2016/10/lub ... -atom.html
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apm install cht-menu atom-bootstrap3 autocomplete-php color-picker emmet highlight-selected linter-php php-cs-fixer pigments sublime-style-column-selection
apm install trailing-spaces blade-snippets language-blade docblockr atom-alignment clipboard-history Linter phpfmt php-getters-setters
How to share/transfer an Atom installation (packages and settings) from one Mac to another?
發表於 : 2019-01-26 10:44:21
由 yehlu
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/308 ... om-one-mac
There are several ways to synchronize your settings and packages between Atom installations:
Git: Create a public or private Git repo and store the contents of your local ~/.atom folder in there. Ignore the following files/directories in a .gitignore file:
Use a package like sync-settings. This will store your configuration in a GitHub Gist.
Dropbox (or similar): Move your ~/.atom folder to your Dropbox folder and then symlink it from there to its original location. This has the downside of syncing everything in ~/.atom, even the things you could ignore.
Use stars to select your favorite packages. On the Atom web site, create an account and mark your favorite packages with stars. Then use apm stars --install to install all starred packages on any machine. Downside: This only works for packages, not for settings.
More details:
https://discuss.atom.io/t/syncing-setti ... hines/1385
Re: ATOM php-fmt
發表於 : 2019-03-21 08:56:55
由 yehlu
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安裝套件「Atom 繁簡轉換 - 使用新同文堂(TongWen)」
發表於 : 2019-03-21 09:03:27
由 yehlu
http://foreachsam.github.io/book-editor ... ngwen.html
代碼: 選擇全部
mkdir ~/Project/Atom -p
cd ~/Project/Atom
git clone https://github.com/foreachsam/package-atom-tongwen.git TongWen
apm link TongWen
Laravel Package
發表於 : 2019-03-21 09:11:19
由 yehlu
給 PHP/Laravel 開發者的推薦套件
最後,在這邊針對 PHP/Laravel 開發,推薦一些不錯的套件給大家參考:
editorconfig - 跨編輯器的格式設定工具
highlight-selected - 高亮度選取字串
emmet - 快速 HTML 程式碼輸入
minimap - 仿 Sublime Text 的 minimap 功能 (安裝完後推薦再裝 minimap-highlight-selected)
teletype - 可多人同步共享編輯視窗,做遠端協作時超好用
php-integrator-base - PHP 相關的整合 (需先安裝 project-manager),安裝完後推薦再裝 php-integrator-navigation、php-integrator-autocomplete-plus、php-integrator-annotations、php-integrator-refactoring
docblockr - 整合 DocBlock
php-cs-fixer - 整合 php-cs-fixer
php-debug - 整合 Xdebug
tester-phpunit - Laravel 台灣社群夥伴 Recca 所開發的 PHPUnit 測試套件 (需先安裝 tester 套件)
laravel - 提供 Laravel 及 Helper 的 snipperts
language-blade - 提供 Laravel Blade 語法支援
ide-php - 讓 Atom 看起來更像 PHP IDE (需先安裝 atom-ide-ui) 註:這個套件仍在開發階段,請斟酌使用