[zip]Linux 如何解壓縮切割的zip檔
發表於 : 2012-05-17 09:22:56
http://www.hendra-k.net/how-to-extract- ... files.html
here the description for these command above :
hendra-k@server $ cat zipfiles.* > zipfiles-full.zip
= merging those file into one full zipped file
hendra-k@server $ zip -F zipfiles-full.zip
= Fixing the archive of the overall zipped files
hendra-k@server $ unzip zipfiles-full.zip
= Extract the full zipped fil
代碼: 選擇全部
cat zipfiles.* > zipfiles-full.zip
zip -F zipfiles-full.zip
unzip zipfiles-full.zip
hendra-k@server $ cat zipfiles.* > zipfiles-full.zip
= merging those file into one full zipped file
hendra-k@server $ zip -F zipfiles-full.zip
= Fixing the archive of the overall zipped files
hendra-k@server $ unzip zipfiles-full.zip
= Extract the full zipped fil