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CodeCharge Studio 4.2 Update available

發表於 : 2009-04-09 11:33:59
CodeCharge Studio was updated to version with the following improvements and fixes:

* New Feature: added CAPTCHA component accessible from the Forms tab.
* Ajax Examples: updated CCS Ajax Examples with descriptions of steps needed to reproduce these examples.
* Ajax Examples: Resolved minor issues.
* ASP: Resolved issues with multiple database connections being opened for each includable page.
* ColdFusion: Resolved issue with menus not working within includable pages if created in HTML mode.
* General Code: Resolved issues with WHERE parameters being ignored in database-driven menus.
* Perl: Resolved server errors with Flash Chart
* PHP: Resolved an issue with file upload not creating unique filenames within editable grids.
* C#: Resolved an error occurring when submitting a search form via the [Enter] key within Update panel.
* Java: Resolved an issue with the calendar component resetting the Style session value.
* VB.NET: Resolved an issue with wrong path being used for FCKEditor.
* Other issues found during internal product testing and submitted to product support.

The CodeCharge Studio update can be obtained from the main product download page or directly here CCStudio4_2.exe.
The installation program will take you through the necessary upgrade steps, including uninstalling a previous version of CodeCharge Studio 4.x.